- Funding of ADEME’s Investments for the future program in the Spidhy project within the framework of the call for projects “Renewable energy, storage and conversion of energy, intelligent electrical systems”
- SPIDHY: Innovative tidal turbine installation system - Système de Pose Innovante d’Hydrolienne – a simple and economical solution for installation and maintenance of Equipment on the seabed
- This system will help to reduce the costs renewable marine energy
Guinard Energies is supported by ADEME for the development of its Spidhy project. This innovative tidal turbine installation system allows commissioning and decommissioning of seabed equipment in an autonomous, fast, economical and secured manner.
In existing systems, the commissioning cost of a tidal turbine is comparable to its construction price. Indeed, the mobilization of specific ships with several hundred tons lifting capacities presents a cost sized to offshore marine operation. These OPEX are not adapted to marine renewable energy emerging industry. Focused on reducing the cost of MRE, Guinard Energies has developed an innovative base allowing the immersion of heavy structures on the seabed at a competitive solution.
This design, patented Guinard Energies, under the name « Camel Base » is an innovative self-buoyant base foundation. The two parts of this system can be filled in with water or air for the installation or removal phases. This system has already been successfully tested at a scale 1:16 at IFREMER basin test in 2015 and will be used for the 250 kW Guinard Energies tidal device which will be installed in early 2018 in South Brittany.
Tidal and river turbines are a solution for the future, increasing the share of renewables energies in our energy mix.