The company
Guinard Energies Nouvelles, a French start-up, is located in Brest (French Brittany), close to the sea and the maritime know-how. Member of ACTI-Seillier Group since July 2020, Guinard Energies Nouvelles aims to develop innovative projects in the renewable energy sector.
Since the beginning, R&D is the core of our activity in order to design an optimal hydrokinetic turbine. Numerical models, towing basin tests and prototypes have been achieved and certified by the French Army Authorities (Direction Générale de l'Armement Technique Hydrodynamique).
Guinard Energies now positions as manufacturer of river and marine hydrokinetic turbine and integrator of standalone smart grids. Guinard Energies’ turbines range from 66 cm (3.5kW) up to 800 cm (1MW) and can adapt various site configurations, including Non-Interconnected Zones.
Specific competencies of Guinard Energies are:
- Conceptual and modeling studies,
- In situ measurements to evaluate the Hydrokinetic resource,
- Implementation, testing and certification on real sites,
- Industrialization and engineering services.
Guinard Energies Nouvelles is at the dawn of a radical change in Marine Renewable Energies electricity costs.
The team
Created in 2008 by Paul Guinard, industrial, hydraulic engineer and sailor, Guinard Energies Nouvelles is now chaired by Yannick Bian. Nicolas Ruiz is the new CEO. He has 13 years of marine experience in a wide range of sectors (oil&gas, renewable energies).
The team is completed by Flavien Martine, business developper, Tangui Audern, project manager specialized in electrical conversion, Magali Kerleo, administrative Officer and Jorel Flambard, PhD student.
The office
Guinard Energies Nouvelles
Technopole Brest-Iroise
38, Rue Jim Sevellec
29200 Brest