Offshore testing of the 20kW Guinard Energies Tidal Turbine
MegaWattBlue Project
The MegaWattBlue project is cofunded 35% by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) and 10% by Brittany region. This project participates in the marine renewable energy development and the transition to a low-carbon economy. MegaWattBlue is certified by Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique.
The study of the environmental impact of the tidal turbine has been assessed since the design and manufacture of the sub-elements to the deployment phase. Installation, operation and maintenance processes have been improved along the project. The project is carried out in partnership with IFREMER and ENSTA Bretagne.

Guinard Energies marine turbine test in the Bay of Brest
Before its installation in Ria d’Etel, the P154 tidal turbine will undergo a series of tests in open sea environment to optimize its operation under realistic but controlled conditions. These tests are undertaken in collaboration with ENTECH SE Company and ISEN Brest School on the TSM Penzer vessel of Iroise Mer.
The first conclusive tests were conducted during those first weeks of 2019.
Press contact : Philippe Craneguy (CEO) Phone : +33 (0)9 84 45 71 87
Guinard Energies hydrokinetic turbine range
Guinard Energies designs and manufactures a range of high performance turbines dedicated to estuaries and very low head streams. Thanks to the swivelling duct, the Guinard Energies tidal turbines recover twice more power than other turbines of the same size. Turbine installation does not require heavy civil engineering. Due to their compactness, the hydrokinetic turbine could be set near the consumer location.
Guinard Energies team has chosen to gradually improve their turbine and its power capacity. The product range starts with the P66 - 3.5 kW turbine (66cm diameter), already deployed on several sites in France and abroad. The P154 – 20 kW turbine (154cm diameter) will be deployed in Ria d’Etel during the first semester 2019. This demonstrator turbine has been built and assembled in the naval shipyard of Navtis in the context of MegaWattBlue project.

Press :
Le Télégramme 09/01/2018 : Hydrolienne Guinard. Courants porteurs
Ouest-France 09/01/2018 : Environnement. L’hydrolienne de Guinard Énergies sera déployée en février en Ria d’Étel
Ouest-France 25/12/2018: Brest. Guinard Energies va tester son hydrolienne P154 dans la rade
Le Télégramme 19/12/2018 : Navtis Guinard Energies une collaboration fructueuse