Success of Guinard Energies Tidal turbine demonstration

At the Marines Renewables Energies Forum set in Gulf of Morbihan(South Brittany) from 15 April to 3rd June 2017, Guinard Energies, conducted a demonstration of the operation of its MegaWattBlue hydrokinetic turbine in the Gulf of Morbihan. A boat reserved for local representatives and journalists, was able to follow the demonstration as close as possible and observe the power created by this hydro-turbine (300 kW for 8 meter diameter at only 2.5 m/s – the water currents velocity in the gulf can reached 3.6 m/s, ie 7 knots)

Guinard Energies aims to develop all dimensions of hydrokinetic turbines. Marine and river hydrokinetic turbine from 3.5 kW to 20 kW associated with a regulating and converting electricity hybrid system for isolated sites as well as larger sized hydrokinetic turbine up to 1 MW for only 8 meters in diameter and 7 knots of marine current.

A 4-meter diameter tidal turbine to be tested in Ria d’Etel in Morbihan (56) is currently under construction. Installation is planned for the year 2018. Smaller hydrokinetic turbines are under construction to provide a simple and efficient electrification solution for isolated areas around the world.

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