Project Tidal Mill – Arzon

Self consumption with storage Tidal mill, Arzon - French Brittany

Tidal turbine connected to the local grid for self-consumption with batteries.

Since April 2018, the system has been producing electricity into the old tidal mill of Pen Castel in Arzon. This project leaders are Arzon municipality, Morbihan Energies and the Regional Natural Park of "Golfe du Morbihan".

With a power of 3.5 kW, the tidal turbine installed in a canal uses the movement of the tides to produce electricity. This production is used to feed the local building hosting exhibitions. Battery storage makes it possible to tackle the intermittent production.

An environmental study is conducted by the Regional Natural Park. The biological monitoring protocol  has been validated by the National Biodiversity Agency. The observation by camera of the fish behaviour around the turbine is completed by a field surveys. The complete environmental impact assessment will be  published before the end of 2019. This study will establish the impact of the tidal turbine on the different species of fish.


Project specifications

Turbine P66 - 3.5 kW
Batteries 10 kWh - lead
Converter C66 Hybrid 2 kW
System power 6 kVA

Project partners :



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